In this tutorial we shall be learning how to export following files from SAS:
Writing a CSV file
To write a csv file in R we use write.csv( ) function.
write.csv(data to be exported, "New file name.csv",...)
write.csv(data,"saving_csv_file.csv",row.names = F)
By default, while saving a CSV file, first column containing rownames gets exported as well. To remove that column we write row.names = F
Writing a txt file
To write a txt file in R we use write.table( ) function.
write.table(data to be exported, "New file name.txt",sep = ...)
write.table(mtcars,"saving_txt_file.txt",sep = ",")
Here we can provide any separator as per our wish eg. " " , "," , ";", "/" etc .
Writing an excel file
Method 1: Using writexl package
To write an excel file in R we use write_xlsx( ) function from library writexl.
Exporting multiple sheets in excel file:
Suppose we need to export multiple datasets in multiple tabs, for eg. For exporting mtcars and iris datasets in one single excel but in different tabs, we firstly create a list as follows and then use write_xlsx command.
mysheets = list("mtcars_data" = mtcars,"iris_data" = iris)
write_xlsx(mysheets,"Multiple tabs.xlsx")
Method 2: Using openxlsx package
To write an excel file in R we use write.xlsx( ) function from library openxlsx
write.xlsx(mtcars, 'saving_excel_file.xlsx')
Writing a SAS file
To write a SAS file in R we use write.xlsx( ) function from library foreign
write.foreign(mtcars, "", package="SAS")