Let us consider this csv file:
We can read a csv file using pandas' read_csv function:
import pandas as pd
Let us firstly read and save our csv file and define index_col = 0, telling Python that 1st column is the row names.
hrdata = pd.read_csv("HR_data.csv",index_col = 0)
Let us firstly see what happens if we iterate over hrdata?
for i in hrdata:
It returns the column names:
To iterate over various rows and column entries in a data frame we use iterrows function
Here we have two iterator variables: row and col
and our iterable object is hrdata.iterrows( )
for row,col in hrdata.iterrows():
print("For employee id:" + str(row))
Here row is taking the row name (our employee id)
while col is denoting the values for each row-col combination
Task: Fetch the row and column entries only for department column using iterrows
To achieve this we have filtered our iterator col by 'department'
for row,col in hrdata.iterrows():
print("For employee id:" + str(row))
Task: Fetch the row and column entries only for department and age columns using iterrows
To achieve this we have filtered our iterator col by providing a list ['department','age']
for row,col in hrdata.iterrows():
print("For employee id:" + str(row))